Call 623-363-3792 to Reserve your certification
Now Available Pro Rescuer CPR Certification
or Re-Certification?
Coming in June 21, 2014
space is limited register early
Location: Positively Fitt @The Peoria Sportsplex
16083 N 75th Ave
(More class dates & times below)
Are you Prepared if someone needs your help?  Get CPR and/or FIRST AID CERTIFIED in your home or office, or watch for a class near you.  We are here to make sure the ones closest to you are prepared!   
 Certifying groups of 1-24

 Minimum age to hold a certification is 12 years old.
OSHA approved certifications.    
Schedule of Certification Classes: (subject to change)
A minimum of 3 students needed to hold scheduled classes.
If you are only interested in CPR please let us know and you will be dismissed
after CPR portion of class. Thank you
If you do not need to take the First Aid portion of class, then you will be dismissed after CPR.
Please sign up early & prepay to reserve your certification seat.
Thank You


  1. Nice post! First aid urgent situation is a training that educates person to help during emergencies such as providing utmost care for victims who may be seriously injured and the appropriate ways to do it. This type of training may also include CPR trainings. Thanks for giving us information..
    CPR certification

  2. Great Post!! Thanks for sharing with us.
    BLS Classes Los Angeles
